![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:23 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Why are so many dog owners perfectly okay with terrible behavior from their pets? I get that the majority of people aren’t malicious and simply don’t know how to train their dogs, but like... There are professionals you can go to for that very thing!
I don’t generally like to think about this, but back in the window washing days I had a dog attack one of my guys. Pretty bad bite too, the type that leaves big bloody holes deep in muscle tissue. Client tried to t ell me my guy “provoked the dog”. Total and complete bullshit.
That was the first of only five clients I ever removed from my books. Couple weeks later another one of my guys got attacked by the same dog when doing a neighbor’s house. I called an animal control officer , they came out, in vestigated, and ended up put ting the dog down. The lady even got charged with a misdemeanor, as apparently you’re required by law yo report any bites within 24 hours to the police in my county.
Now, s aid l ady spent *MONTHS* leaving terrible voicemails, spamming our reviews, etc. I ignored her completely, but in retrospect I probably should have tried taking her to court to get health care fees paid for (one guy made an L&I claim, another self-treated at home). She would harass my guys when they cleaned windows for anyone on that street, and for all I know she may well still be causing trouble for the guy who bought my company.
All this, because someone had a dog that was out of control, and was so delusional she didn’t see the problem.
This memory bubbled up to the surface because today I got a call from one of my guys saying he got bitten and wants to get checked out/v erification that the dog doesn’t have rabies or something. Now I’m getting flashbacks of working in homes with dogs that would literally bark for 6 hours straight, growl all day, become aggressive... And owners that try to play that off as normal or okay.
There was another one where my partner had to literally keep a hose on a rabid dog for the entire two hours it took me to clean the exterior windows. We definitely should have just left, but we were 18 and dumb so... We finished the job and hoped this big mean black lab wouldn’t realize he could get through a little stream of water. Owner eventually comes home and says the dog is afraid of mailmen but wouldn’t hurt a fly.
P eople...
Okay, rant over.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:30 |
People are, generally, terrible.
My friends have a rescue dog who can react poorly to other dogs. They keep her away from other dogs unless she’s been properly introduced. However, several people in town let their dogs roam around, who do you think will be liable if their dog is on a leash, and some random dog runs up to her in the middle of the street? Just because your dog is friendly doesn’t mean mine is.
In sum, I’m glad the dog catcher has been roaming around.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:31 |
Wait... rabid? Do you mean really rabid or do you mean just a very aggressive dog?
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:31 |
I recall one episode of The Dog Whisperer where t he family Chihuahua was terrorizing the son, but the mother refused to do anything about it. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but clearly she preferred allowing the dog to continue it s bad behavior even at the risk of her son’s health.
People are idiots, all of us.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:33 |
Very aggressive. Not foaming at the mouth or anything
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:36 |
Whenever somebody tries to tell me that, I ask them how many pediatricians and er physicians believe that load of shit.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:37 |
There was a Samoyed at one of my clients’ homes. I vividly recall the day—mid January, 4pm—when the family had to leave in a hurry , but couldn’t trust the dog at home alone. I’d been doing their windows for a few years at this point and they’d always leave a key if they weren’t home, so... They asked if they could pay me to watch their dog until they got back.
One of the highlights of my life. That was the friendliest doggo I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with, and I almost looked for a dog then and there despite being in no position to take care of one.
I lost the point I was trying to make, but uh... I like good dogs.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:38 |
Huh, hadn't thought about that. What are leash laws like in your area? It's pretty rare for me to see a dog running free locally
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:39 |
I think it’s a $125 fine plus impound fees?
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:42 |
Dogs are only cute when they aren't wolves. I don't understand how you could just accept awful behavior from a dog like it is normal. Why you would put up with living like that is beyond me. Sorry to hear about those awful experiences.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:45 |
Haven’t seen a wolf up close. I want to though !
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:48 |
I was fortunate to get the opportunity to take photos up close and personal with a wolf pack. Sadly this was 15 years ago and I don’t know where any of the photos are, but it was a great experience.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 19:57 |
People with dogs like that are usually an even bigger mess than their dogs. Their demeanor makes the dogs uneasy and therefore aggressive. Gotta be the pack leader.
I’m on my second set of pits and have lost count of how many people have let their poorly behaved dogs walk right up to mine. Thankfully my
dogs have always trusted me and been well behaved and obedient. Much smaller margin of error with pits, because if they
go after something, they don’t stop.
The grey one was a stray, and I think abused. She’s getting better, but is still learning to trust me. Calm around people but nervous around all dogs except her bro. I don’t really ever expect pits to get along with other dogs, but I’ll keep working on her.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:04 |
Because they are bad people
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:12 |
I’ve pretty much determined that people who don’t think they need to train their dogs probably shouldn’t have children. I have a few neighbors who have no control over their dogs. Fortunately, the dogs are not aggressive and are only minor nuisances. I wish I could say the same for these people’s kids. My wife describes those boys as “feral”.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:13 |
I'll settle for coyotes, and too close at that
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:22 |
I would rather have a fox !
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:33 |
Check out Sean Poppy’s YouTube channel - raised Scooter the Coyote from a puppy, somewhat tame, but still clearly wild and potentially dangerous. Beautiful animal though.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:36 |
I was at an outdoor concert over the weekend where two neighbor dogs found their way under the fence and decided to wander around and visit everybody. They were black Labs, so, you know, awesome. BUT, I have to think out of 150 or so people on the lawn, somebody had to have a serious dog phobia, somebody had to have allergies, etc. Also, I mean, bad shit can happen to your pets - wild animals, kidnapping, hit by a car, a well meaning idiot feeding them something they shouldn’t have, etc. Just b e responsible, damnit.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:37 |
I’ve noticed that people seem to be more willing to tolerate bad behavior from small dogs, because of, I guess, the perception that they’re too small to do any real harm, so leave them be.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:49 |
Samoyeds are fun energetic dogs, they can be super destructive since they’re so active but they are awesome.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:57 |
I have noticed this too. Owners usually just pick the dog up when it’s behaving poorly, which for most dogs only reinforces the behavior (“wow when I bark at that dog passing by I get attention & cuddles !”).
![]() 07/13/2020 at 20:59 |
I hope some of those guys got a nice settlement out of it, bad dog owners deserve a trip to the court system and them be made uninsurable.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:04 |
I got mauled in the face by a chocolate lab when I was around six years old. Sounds worse than it was as I only needed a few stitches but to a six year old it was a damn monster. Friendly enough dog and I had been around it plenty of times before as we were close with the family that owned it and I was actually spending the night there . I squatted down to pet it when it thundered and it took me out. It had never been violent before and this family had raised many very well trained pups. They gave it away to a lady that took in aggressive dogs and it did the same thing again to an adult and was put right to sleep. I guess when it comes to tasting that first blood it’s hard to go back. I love dogs, especially large breeds, but damned if I’ll ever have a chocolate lab.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:26 |
I don’t know how many times I’ve had to say that exact thing: just because yours is friendly doesn’t mean mine is. People just don’t fucking think. My old dog treated our kids like her kids. If we were walking with a stroller other dogs were not allowed. Period. Got lucky one day when a dog came running up off leash with some lady a half a block away saying “he’s friendly” and all that shit. How do you know mine is? If I had a kid in a stroller that day there would have been a serious problem. My old girl was 95 pounds, all muscle (and lots of fur, to be honest).
Now I have a rescue that is some (all) pit bull. She’s got a strike or two against her in some idiots eyes, and I got to worry about the same thing. Because no matter what, she’ll get the blame.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:27 |
My dog’s safety is not her responsibility, i t is mine. People don't get that
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:31 |
Good for you. We’re lucky enough that a local boarding place runs a “day care” and had a pit himself. He loved our previous dog like his own, and took to our new pitty immediately. She goes there once a week to socialize and play. We won’t do dog parks, but we trust this guy, and he does good.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:31 |
That sucks for everyone involved.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:34 |
It's not necessarily that the owners are playing it off as normal or ok. It could be the desired behavior. If someone was at my house that I didn't directly approve of, my old dog would have none of it. We made damn sure, though, that if someone was over to do work she was accounted for.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:42 |
C ompletely agree - most owners are responsible and aware, but some aren’t. I’ve been attacked by unleashed dogs a half dozen times or so but lucky enough to have prevented getting bit. A couple years ago I came up on a woman with an unleashed German Sheppard that charged. I yelled at her to call her dog, once, twice, and the dog was at me. It took several lunges at my legs and at that point I was just pissed and grabbed it by the collar and pinned it to the ground. The lady came running up, crying, half saying sorry and half concerned that I was hurting her “ baby” . I told her curtly to get her leash and put it on the dog, which she did. Then I calmly explained to her that if I was a child her dog would have killed me and to please be a responsible pet owner. But even after all that, as you mention, I was still worried she’d just lie to the police or something saying I’d “provoked” it....
![]() 07/13/2020 at 21:45 |
In a lot of ways, they’re similar to having a permanent toddler around the house. And, honestly, people who are really irresponsible with their dog probably shouldn't be breeding themselves.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 22:11 |
Indeed. It took me a good while to understand that it wasn’t directly my fault that the dog got put down. It was an unfortunate turn of events but thankfully our families remained close friends.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 22:17 |
A dog bit a hole in my boogie board the other day. Not a huge hole, just a nibble. I was very confused when I got to the shore from a wave and then my board kept going forward on the sand like it grew wings. Then I noticed I was playing tug of war with a random dog. After I got the board and was walking back out, the dog also decided to chew on my leg. A playful chew though Thankfully as it wasn't hard enough to break my wetsuit. Still I was like Uhh I didn't expect a dog to come at me while swimming lol. Would have been a funny injury where anyone would have assumed shark considering the circumstances if I had a chunk missing from my leg.
![]() 07/13/2020 at 22:31 |
Everyone in my family has dogs (my brother has a blue pit puppy who’s gonna be a monster), so we get lots of practice socializing. She’s doing better, but is definitely nervous around other dogs. Weird thing is she took to our dog right away at the shelter.
Nervousness is easier to work through than aggression, so I think we’ll get there. I’m staying at my dad’s right now and he has a 100+ Lb old man mastiff-pit mix that we’re trying to get her to chill with. Thankfully him and my other pup are super chill.
![]() 07/14/2020 at 00:49 |
Dogs are complex. It took.me a while, a long while, to figure that out. Sure there are ends of the spectrum, a dog that would never be aggressive and bite, dogs that pretty much always snap with strangers, other dogs, and even family members. But most spend the majority of their life being the kind, loving, couldn’t be more happy to see you when you come home kind of thing they are often made out to be, but will still snap or get territorial under the right, or Wong, depending how you look at it circumstances.
Owners of these middle range dogs are often somewhat to totally blind to their ag gression because they spend 99.5% of the time being sweet doggos and people like to see things in black and white. Not really right but it happens a lot.
People that train their dogs to be aggressive, or raise them in an abusive manner, or who have dogs that are pretty much always aggressive in certain situations should certainly take the proper steps to control them, and/or shouldn’t be dog owners.
![]() 07/14/2020 at 13:30 |
I’ve been reading through White Fang again with my daughter. Such a good book...